Updated for 2024 
One of Wolfestone’s first duties to a client is to understand the key selling points of their product or service and make sure they are conveyed in the target language.
Marketing translations and website translations can be outstanding sales tools or disastrous cautionary tales.
When American Airlines advertised its new leather first-class seats in Mexico by urging consumers to "Fly in Leather", the literal Spanish translation became a request to "Fly Naked."
Wolfestone guarantees an altogether more suitable introduction to the Mexican market, and it’s a market that British exporters are finding increasingly attractive.
Of all the emerging global economies, Mexico is arguably the most receptive to international trade. It’s one of the only countries pledged to free trade with both North America and Europe.
The Mexican government’s commitment to reducing its dependence on the United States has opened the door to a raft of British success stories, with notable gains made in automotive, aerospace, electronics and ICT.
Credit to Ross Parmly

What makes this market so appealing to the British exporter?

Mexico offers a stable economy and a secure legal framework. British exporters are offered all the regulatory protection they could reasonably ask for.
The cost of manufacturing industrial components is lower in Mexico than in any of the other key emerging global markets. Mexico has an increasingly prosperous middle class, with “high-end” consumer trade thriving.
More luxury goods are purchased in Mexico than in all other Latin American countries combined (accurate in 2010). With a population of 112 million covering a geographical area of almost 2 million square kilometres, there’s no such thing as a homogenous Spanish translation for Mexico.
The dialects used in the Yucatan Peninsula and the northern, western or coastal areas might vary considerably, and the country’s vast border with the United States and the prominence of American tourists has led to many “English-isms” permeating the northern Mexican language.
For example, words such as “birra” for “beer”, “rentar” for “rent” or “carro” for “car” are now in common usage in border areas. The right translation partner will offer a fully localized service, with not only a native speaker but one with relevant current experience of a particular region and its economy.
Mexico has been positive and far-sighted in its industrial development. The country has the world’s third-largest computer manufacturing industry and ranks sixth in electronics manufacturing (accurate in 2010).
The automotive industry is thriving in production, research and development. Industry giants such as Ford, Chrysler, Volkswagen and Nissan have been prominent in Mexico for decades and many European and Asian component suppliers also have local sites: the city of Puebla is home to 70 industrial part-makers clustered around the Volkswagen plant.
This sector has been a happy hunting ground for many UK exporters, with COMAU Estil, the advanced robotics specialist, recently winning a contract for the provision of British design and engineering expertise to automotive clients in Monterrey.
The country offers ample opportunity for exporters to exhibit, and Wolfestone is already receiving information requests for this August’s International Computer and Electronics Fair, to be held in Mexico City’s World Trade Centre.
This is the largest fair of its kind in Latin America and we support clients with the preparation of marketing brochures, bilingual business cards, and, where necessary, interpreters.
As is the case with so many emerging economies, these forums offer an excellent opportunity for relationships to be forged and doors to be opened.
You just need appropriate preparation, appropriate advice and above all you need to use appropriate language. You don’t have to “fly naked” when exporting to Mexico and you don’t have to fly solo either.
The right translation and localisation partner will help you get where you want to be. That’s why clients come to Wolfestone.