Updated for 2024 

McDonalds is thriving and keeps expanding across the globe. What’s McDonalds’ secret recipe?

There are two main reasons behind its success: its business model and its ability to adapt and innovate.

Indeed, the company leaves nothing to chance and makes sure to keep themselves informed of new trends, when they’re not providing the innovations themselves.

For the past few years, McDonald’s has introduced new products to its menu.

While some have been adapted to the local culture, others are just a way to restore its corporate image. Indeed, Mc Donald’s has been criticised for years because of its unhealthy food. So the company has counterattacked and introduced healthier, more natural products such as salads and fruit. Among its different restaurants worldwide, we can find almost everywhere the so-called Big Mac. India is probably one of the only countries where it is not represented since Indian customers don’t eat beef. However, the company has adapted the products to the Indian culture – as it does in every country: you will find chicken, fish and veggie burgers instead in addition to spicy meals.

In Thailand, you can also find a Samurai Pork burger which is very unusual for British people since we cannot find any pork products in our McDonald’s restaurants (accurate in 2013).

In New Zealand, you can eat a McMuffin or some specialties made of kiwi (accurate in 2012).

These examples demonstrate how the global brand has adapted its products to the locals’ tastes. But the company also adapts to local habits: while you can hardly find a double or triple Big Mac in European countries, you won’t have any problems finding them in the United States, Canada or Thailand (accurate in 2013). 

Along with its products, McDonald’s has also adapted and transcreated its slogan and even the name of its burgers.

The famous “I’m Lovin’ It” has crossed almost every border. In some countries, the message remains the same even if English is not the official language. Others have kept the same message but added translation for several languages while some countries have just translated it using translation services, such as Quebec (i.e. “C’est ça que j’m”).

But above all, we wonder how McDonald’s has created a successful slogan that is grammatically incorrect. Indeed, English speakers don’t usually use the verb “love” as a gerund since it would mean that they are infatuated for a determined period.

However, a lot of us don’t even think about it, it is like it has become common.

Regarding the burgers’ names, there are also some differences between countries. Take the example of the quarter pounder. In Spain, the name is just translated (cuarto de libra). In Quebec, it is also translated but a bit modified since it uses a third instead of a quarter (tiers de livre).

Some countries have just completely changed the names without even translating them into their languages. That’s the case of the Italian and the French versions which give them the name of Royal (Cheeseburger Royal in Italy and Royal Cheese in France).

Originally red, the colour of the brand has also changed depending on the country.

While the colour remains red in almost every English-speaking country, it has been modified and adapted to several cultures. In several European countries (such as Spain, Switzerland, and Italy), the image has become green as soon as the company has started to promote fresher and healthier products (accurate in 2013).

Indeed, green is synonymous with ecology which has become a priority in these countries.

McDonald’s has set up a winning strategy which consists of adapting each product and marketing campaign to the culture of the country. They are completely aware of the importance of adaptation, transcreation, and innovation. This is the key to their exporting success.